What Plagues Us Most And Why?
Not really knowing what it means to be human.
Day after day of hearing people grieving, beating themselves up, giving themselves a hard time, believing they are failures for this reason or that and finding myself saying over and over again - this is what it is to be HUMAN.
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A Whole Lot Of Hooha
Start refining TODAY. Go to your yoga mat and move for 10 minutes, sit, breathe and improve the quality of your respiration for just 6 rounds, focus your mind to a quality you want to bring up to the surface of your personality and keep repeating those things over and over again until you arrive.
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When The Invisible Becomes Visible
The point of this tale has got nothing to do with gluten and everything to do with the blindness that comes from our own stories, IN SPITE OF ALL EVIDENCE. And the incredulous shock of how obvious something is once we see it.
Stay open, stay malleable, do things differently, explore those old stories and challenge them with a smile on your face. You never know what you might see when your eyes are open.
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Is There Anyone More Powerful In The World Right Now Than a Gen X Woman?
Right now, the women of Generation X - latch key kids raised by Mum’s who worked fulltime, women who embraced booze, drugs and sex as hard as their male counterparts, women now in their 40s and 50s who experienced sexual assault and trauma as the norm, and who’ve instigated a powerful social narrative around consent, better health, female physical strength and conditions in the workplace that support a female endocrine system - are going through perimenopause. And what I will say is:
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Are Your Patterns Giving or Taking Your Power?
You see, we are so much about patterns, helpful, harmful and indifferent. They feel like EVERYTHING. Yet patterns, because they are of the mind, are only really, just 1% of you. The other 99% is the part of you that’s deeper than the body, breath and mind - it is bliss, it is source, it is all of the vitality and energy of the entire Universe. In. Side. You.
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Land, Listen, Adjust, Leave.
LAND in your body. As you move into each new gesture, take a moment to consciously land in your body.
LISTEN to your body. Am I comfortable? Am I steady? Is my body telling me to shift something? To give more, to give less?
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Do Things Differently.
No doubt you've a habit or two that bothers you. You want it to change but the groove you've worn to flow back into it time and time again, runs deep. And the more you focus on tearing yourself away from it, the more your mind digs in.
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Are You Ready?
Not only is this statement the first step, it is also utterly essential when embarking on a journey of change. This is one of the reasons why no matter how you might try, you cannot change anyone else. If they’re not ready, no amount of push is going to gift them the sheer doggedness that transformation can take.
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Enormous Change Comes With Tiny Steps
Do not dismiss anything as too small.
This little nugget applies to goals as well as obstacles as well as markers of change. So often we’re obsessed with the big things. Big things are great motivators but all big things are propped up by a hundred thousand small things. Once you know and accept that, you’ll understand the power of having tiny achievable goals that you do repetitively, as much as you accept that changing one tiny part of a massive pattern, is what starts to break that pattern apart, as much as you’ll begin to recognize small changes of habit as enormous milestones of progression.
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When the mind is careening into strong negative bias, gratitude is a phenomenally powerful and simple tool to bring you back on track.
There's a very good reason why gratitude gets so much time in the sun.
Here's three very easy ways to weild the powerful weapon of gratitude, to slay negative thinking:
- Each day journal three things that you're thankful for. Do it every day, forcing you to go deeper and deeper into your reservoir of good things, small and large.
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Feminism Used To Be About Proving That We Could Play A Man's Game. Now It's About Changing The Rules.
As each new system of economy was born, women were left further and further disadvantaged. Couldn't study, couldn't get a bank account, couldn't get a credit card, couldn't work, did not even have legal rights to refuse their husband's sex.
But women stood tall and strong, they made their way onto the field, proving that this stupid game could be played by anyone. But why the hell would we?
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Living In Subtle Disharmony
BUT with love, with genuine kindness in our hearts, we can create so many opportunities to be heard. We can make friends with those who are supposed to be our enemies, we can see beyond the labels and the subcultures and simply see the human underneath. The human that is scared or suffering or simply wanting like almost everyone, to be safe and happy too.
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Dissolving Overwhelm
In the context of the broader world, there are a LOT of overwhelming things being constantly absorbed - enormous things polarising our thoughts, our relationships and challenging our conditioning: referendums, capitalism, racism, climate, interest rates, cost of living, homelessness, violence - how did you feel in your chest just reading that list?
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Acceptance As A Potent Tool For Change
ACCEPTANCE asks you to drop the shoulders, take a little smile at the corners of your mouth and nod to what is, whilst digging in to the effort of being the best you can be across all aspects of your life and simply seeing what happens. Unattached to outcome, completely diligent to the effort.
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Radically Rethinking Your Unhelpful Habits
It’s difficult on hearing the word addiction to not paint a picture of the person it’s being related to. But you know who it relates to? You. And me too. If you are in a human body, you will almost certainly have this tendency. There is no us and them, it is simply a sliding scale.
Now I’m not saying this to make any of us feel a bit rubbish – quite the opposite! This is very normal human neural process, which I’ll get to shortly – but most importantly what I want to open up for you, is a smorgasbord of opportunity: a buffet of positive possibility born from negative habits.
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I would say that I live in a state of deep steady connection with nature but in an eclectic state of connection with humans. I’ve learned to love other humans, learned to converse with them, I’ve even got quite a palette of learned social human nuances that help land me in a little less hot water with humans but by and large, humans have never been an easy place of connection for me. Fascination, yes, connection, challenging but disconnection? No.
In many a conversation I’ve had over the years with Indigenous Elders and friends, connection has come up time and time again. An understanding of connection so vast, it leaves out nothing. The understanding of connection to all things. Every leaf, every grain of sand, person, animal, cloud, earth, river, everything. Nothing slips by or through this life alone. NOTHING.
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The Four Phases of Menstrual Cycle
Did you know that your monthly cycle has four juicy, delicious and distinctly different phases?
Each containing their own strengths and gifts - like little windows into your soul, if you're aware enough to open up the curtains and allow yourself to look inside.
Being female is like having a different outfit to wear each and every day, an outfit born from within!
The more fully and boldly you wear those outfits, the more empowered you will become.
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Is Today Your Day To Play?
Wading our way through our very own unique and messy combination of patterns, is HUMAN. Being human is the twinkle of remembering that there is something more to this weird worldly existence. It is the confusion of not being quite sure how to name it nor often how to live it in a way that correlates with all that's presented in the societal systems and constructs as 'The Way'. It is the seeking of some clarity in the confusion of cruel and clouded paradigms that ridicule kindness and compassion, and celebrate consumer gluttony to mask the reality of economic enslavement and environmental devastation ie the bizarre distinctly human practice of shitting in our own lunchbox.
A friend said to me once, 'I'm beginning to wonder if we are anything BUT patterns' and I would declare with a vastness far beyond my own capacity to understand, a resounding fuck yes.
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Feed your smorgasbord!
Time and time again, people in business are told to ‘find their niche’, I’m here to liberate you from that idea. I’m here to call bullshit. For people who are what the modern world terms neurodiverse, have high intellect or possess what the yoga world calls excess rajas (energy of action), the very concept of choosing a monocultural career life, can be akin to being put in a cage.
To ensure you bloom rather than burn out in this way of being in the world and in your business, be relentlessly enthusiastic about fantastic sleep routines, great food, excellent company, kind intentions, adequate rest time and lots of time outdoors.
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Having No Fear To Strongly Say 'That is so far from okay'.
What I have discovered is something that continues to be reinforced in many circumstances - that often in society when people speak up, it is how they are speaking up or how they are responding to those initial actions, that becomes the focus over the actions that propagated the response in the first place. That the response is too angry or too aggressive or too real or too detailed or too persistent or too whatever - the smokescreen of deflection away from the action that the perpetrator took in the first place. Yes, we have to have responsibility in our responses - that's where the word responsibility comes from - but the actions that set chain of events in motion, the action that pushed that first domino to topple, must never be forgotten in the melee that follows.
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