Is Today Your Day To Play?

For me the purpose of this human form is clear - to begin to see, and then lovingly with curious diligence, dissolve, the web of patterns and conditioning that keeps us trapped in 'human' thinking. That is the gift, the trajectory and the challenge of being human. If I was my big pig Hazel, would I be in this incessant swirl of doubt, desire, dislike and confusion that comes with this scrawny form? Fuck no. I would be living in my happy pig 'vasana' (the mental seeds of pig-ness), digging about, thinking about food (alot) and wallowing in mud, not my fragile mental state.

Wading our way through our very own unique and messy combination of patterns, is HUMAN. Being human is the twinkle of remembering that there is something more to this weird worldly existence. It is the confusion of not being quite sure how to name it nor often how to live it in a way that correlates with all that's presented in the societal systems and constructs as 'The Way'. It is the seeking of some clarity in the confusion of cruel and clouded paradigms that ridicule kindness and compassion, and celebrate consumer gluttony to mask the reality of economic enslavement and environmental devastation ie the bizarre distinctly human practice of shitting in our own lunchbox.

A friend said to me once, 'I'm beginning to wonder if we are anything BUT patterns' and I would declare with a vastness far beyond my own capacity to understand, a resounding fuck yes.

Deferring back to the yogic framework, the mind, the breath and the body are but 1% of our constitution, that which is deeper making up the rest. Patterns exist in the 1%. What the rest looks like is beyond the comprehension of my feeble human mind, so without doubt in committing to do the work, you are calling on an element of faith but also you are working within a very inconsequential contract: for if untrue what is lost in living a life that strives to have better relationships with self, others and the world? That aims to be more accepting, whilst building more strength and vitality to be a little more helpful for those who need a hand?

Until we open ourselves up to LOOKING, our choices will constantly be born from the invisible autopilot of conditioning. Until we begin to pause, to set time aside each day just for seeing - seeing our bodies, the way we're breathing, the state of our own mind - we will be living as the puppets of someone else's ideas. Be them grand patterns of drugs, sex, violence, eating disorders or risk-taking, or subtle patterns such as passive aggression, pushing love away, impatience, blame, timidness, entitlement or self-doubt, making sense of ourselves and beginning to unthread those patterns that bind us, begins with the willingness to see the whole of ourselves, with curiosity, consistency and affection. Until we decide we're going to play with doing things differently, we're going to be caught in the never-ending, vertigo-inducing loop of our own matrix.

Is today your day to play?

Lissie Turner