Create that tiny art gallery in your mind and fill it with as many beautiful things as you can; a wondrous place that no-one else can touch.
Surround yourself in the things that you adore, buy the teacup that sets you on fire, the dress that defies all fashion, the haircut that makes you feel alive.
Look to no trend, trends are a cage, be the curator of your own life. It belongs to only one person. You.
How do you show your love? Often where relationships hit their bumpiest patches is at that explosive point of misunderstanding between the way one person understands the expression of love, in contrast to their lover’s way of showing it.
Love in itself is utterly pure. Nothing but treasure. But like all of our human experiences it is wrapped up in our…well…human experiences. It becomes entangled, like a frog in a hair ball, with all of our hang ups, all of our hurts, all of our desires and all of our fears. Although not a single one of those things is love. So what are we to do?
Read MoreAfter rolling through the alphabet of medical technology with a CT scan, MRI and two EEG’s, epileptogenic activity was found in my right temporal lobe. What resulted was an amazing odyssey to understanding the power and responsibility to my own health that continues to this day.
Read MoreA Yoga Therapist draws from the principles of Yoga and the full range of Yoga practices, bio-medical knowledge and assessment skills to establish a professional relationship with the student. Together, the therapist and student develop a self-empowering therapeutic program appropriate to the student’s individual needs. As a student walks their own specific path in the opposite direction of their problem, they are guided by the Yoga Therapist
Read MoreImagine if as young girls we were told the stories of our systems like a loving family member might tell us the story of the stars? Imagine that we would be told the story of perimenopause; when all that we had accumulated in our life to that point would rise to the surface and the gems would burn into diamonds if we let it and the rest would turn to ash.
Read MoreWhen we eat in the way that is right for us as an individual, we should not feel heavy, nor manic, the mind will feel settled and clear. There should be a feeling of ease within the body and contentment in the mind.
Read MoreOne of the funny things about choosing the moderate voice, is that you put yourself at risk at being loathed by both sides whilst you stand like a lone wolf between two savage packs. But if we want to be heard by the side that really matters - the other side - it is the only position to take.
Read MoreThe data tells us that the vulnerable need to be isolated and in this isolation, protected. So what then is the role for the rest of us that best supports the vulnerable and in not creating more vulnerability?
Read MoreIf we can have this idea in our minds, that despite our best efforts of something heading in one direction, life very well might lead us in another, then there is the potential for a wonderful sense of peace and curiosity. Of letting go of the achingly-tight grip of control. An important component to this however, is that we don’t just flap about, living life at sub-par potential under some false excuse of ‘pre-determination’, quite the opposite.
Read MoreAs a student, therapist and teacher of yoga, I am no stranger to an 'om'. Or a Gayatri, an om srim sreyai namah, a visokavajyotismati, a lam, vam, ram, yam or ham either for that matter. So why do yoga people put so much emphasis on chanting? In the modern world, particularly in the corporate space where people are so focused to a goal
Read MoreI wasn't fully aware of how white Australia was until I transferred from Brisbane triple j to the Sydney studios in the year 2000. As a migrant family, we were all flung out into the western suburbs of Brisbane, along with the Chinese - who were finally allowed in after the cessation of the long-standing white Australia policy - as well as Aboriginal people who were driven from their land along the desirable coastline's, banned from metropolitan areas and driven to the state housing areas of the West with us multi-coloured mixed bag of uninvited newcomers.
Read MoreI would like my Prime Minister to be...a woman. Not because I don't think there aren't many excellent men around who could do a great job but clearly they are all off doing something else and simply because it is well and truly time. I would like also my Prime Minister to be a Mum. I'd like them to be someone who sometimes likes to sit on the ground. Particularly in remote communities, whilst talking to other Mums.
Read MoreAs the dusk arrives on another revolution for us little tiny creatures around the sun, a powerful opportunity for reflection presents. It's been an enormous year for the planet. So much dialogue happening around it's care, a rising of voices sharing their love of Mother Earth and their desire to nurture it in ways that have been missing since the world changed with the industrial revolution.
Read More'We are all living in cages with the doors wide open'. This poignant and startling quote was delicately dropped into my life a few weeks back as I strolled along the beach at sunrise and passed by one of our wonderful community members - one of those deeply intuitive people who speaks with such precision to the moment. At that time, I was in contemplation around identity and mulling over this subject through the context of yoga. I was - and I still am - having one of those excellent moments in the journey, where the understanding of a topic that has been reflected upon for a long time, begins to appear like the landscape beneath a lifting fog.
Read MoreRecently having a conversation with my Dad, he was lamenting the loss of his own life and time being bound by duty to the care of his old, frail but still grotesquely mean and ferocious Father. I questioned why he was doing what he was doing if this is how it made him feel and cautioned him against having a hidden agenda of hope, that in his Dad's dying days, he might suddenly proclaim love and apology to the son he had so mistreated.
Read MoreAt the time, it was not something I considered to be anywhere near as significant or shocking, as it has since proven. Although, my embarkment into the world of what I’ve now learned from a journalist who contacted me for a chat, is called ‘digital minimalism’, did come about with a very large crash.
Read MoreWhen it comes to thinking about your menstrual cycle, I wonder what kind of story you have around yours? For me, it was just another thing to conquer to prove that I was not so lame as to be affected or held back by in my post-feminist life, full of possibility and ambition. It’s been source, it’s been shame, it’s been a blessing, it’s been a curse – all dependent on the see-sawing gender power plays, almost always governed by the patriarch, that determine our societal views around women, equality and freedom.
Read MoreRecently I’ve seen the increased discussion again around how to adjust students in a trauma-informed way; being conscious of trauma by making sure that we clearly communicate around adjustments to honour student’s boundaries. In the lineage of my study, physical adjustments are not part of our teaching and with more discussion around terms such as ‘mental health aware yoga’, ‘trauma informed yoga’ and adjustments, plus the odd query from our own students, I felt it time to tackle the reasons why adjustments are not on the already rich buffet of the yoga experience at our yoga school.
Read MoreThroughout all of the texts of yoga, weaving back and forth, in and out, from this angle and that, sits the concept of impermanence. At the most subtle level the intricate heart of the teachings tell us of two most important components: of purusa - that which is static and unchanging, the inner dwelling seer and of prakrtti - which is everything else; all matter, all that births and dies, all that is always, forever in a constant cycle of flux.
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