Imagine A PM Who...
I would like my Prime Minister to be...a woman. Not because I don't think there aren't many excellent men around who could do a great job but clearly they are all off doing something else and simply because it is well and truly time. I would like also my Prime Minister to be a Mum. I'd like them to be someone who sometimes likes to sit on the ground. Particularly in remote communities, whilst talking to other Mums. To be someone who listens to those who are experts in their field - like talking to an Aboriginal Mum who lives in a remote community where youth suicide is an ever-growing problem, about suicide prevention strategies for young people in remote communities. Or a Prime Minister who is herself an Aboriginal Mum. To fly economy class and drive a moderately priced yet environmentally conscious car. That takes home a comfortable wage that allows them to have no financial concerns whilst focusing on running the country but not so much that it would be easy to just be in the job for the money. I'd like a woman, Mum Prime Minister that understands every decision made for the planet is a decision for their own child, could we ask for a stronger contract of commitment in regards to food and resources future-securing than that? Someone that does not build relations with sexual predators running a country across the way but with her neighbours, whom she builds genuine relationships with and understands the intelligence in building a powerful, supportive neighbourhood when it comes not just to national security but collective prosperity. Someone whose eyes and heart have been torn wide open by the love and suffering that womanhood and motherhood can bring, so that empathy can take it's necessary place in parliament. A Prime Minister who can listen to hours of nonsense and tantrum-throwing with a patient smile, whilst getting on with the adult tasks at hand and the adult decisions that only a capable adult can make. A Prime Minister who hears the silence of young men suffering and calls into her cabinet a strong male role model or two that begin conversations around emotions, love, the beauty and gifts of masculinity, reinforcing that the patriarchy and masculinity are not the same things. A Prime Minister with patience, fierceness, world class negotiation skills and the inexplicable capacity to know who needs what when, as well as where all things are, at all times.